Sunday, May 26, 2013

Gardening for the Body, Mind, and Spirit

This year for Mother's Day I had the privilege of working in the garden almost all day.  I guess it's a known fact here in Colorado that you shouldn't plant anything until Mother's Day.  This is the first year we have ever had a vegetable garden.  I always thought there was just too much work involved and didn't want to put in the effort.  That has all changed for me now.  My garden brings me so much unexpected joy.

The thing about gardening is that it's not just about the food that's harvested although that part really excites me and I hope at least something grows for us!  It's as much a spiritual thing as it is a physical thing as well.  I believe that gardening, growing my own food, is a whole body experience.


I have found that gardening is a total relaxer for me.  I like to go outside when the kids are asleep for nap time and listen to music while I piddle.  It helps to clear my mind and puts me in a great mood.  The smell of the soil and plants, the breeze rustling the spring leaves, the warm sun on my face...


Growing a garden takes physical, consistent work.  My husband and I hand tilled our 15ft x 10ft patch of soil.  Do you know how many calories that burned?  I didn't either so I looked it up on  It turns out that 1 hour of tilling the garden by hand is about 340 calories!  But it's not just that, we have several potted plants and I have to move them from time to time.  Plus, I'm always weed pulling and removing debris from the trees.


God has given me all the things I need... earth/soil, sun, rain, even the seeds.  It's all there for me.  His creation.    All I have to do is put in the work.  I find myself lost in thoughts about His provisions for me.  I've heard all my life that all I have belongs to God.  I believe that, I do, but sometimes I don't act that way.  I mean, my car... my money... my stuff... my time?  But when I'm in the garden I feel like it really does belong to Him.  I am excited to see the fruits of my labor because I can't wait to share them with people.  I feel like there is so much God wants to teach me through this simple act.

Yup, I pretty much am in love with my vegetable garden.  Have you planted one yet?  Maybe you should consider it.  If you have one and are looking to donate some surplus veggies, check this site out.

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