Happy New Year!! And welcome back to my blog. I'm sure you have a list of resolutions for the upcoming year. Some of them may have to do with exercising or nutrition, or losing weight. Some may have to do with getting more sleep, or reducing stress. Some may have to do with paying down debt, saving for a trip, or spending less on frivolous things. Or maybe you want to work on some bad habit that you want to turn around. Whatever your goal is, take some time to sit down and really think about it for a minute. How are you going to make changes? What will you have to do to make it happen? Is it reasonable?
I have a love hate relationship with New Year's Resolutions. I tend to make very large lists in my head of things I'm going to do differently and then get disappointed by about January 21st because I've managed to screw them all up! I am a list person. I get this crazy satisfaction in crossing things off of my lists. This is the love part. But when you don't get to cross things off it's quite depressing.
Real change takes time. Start with only a few you want to work on and don't beat yourself up if you go off course. No one said you had to be perfect. Last year, I vowed not to drink Diet Coke anymore. Or any soda for that matter. It has been a whole year since I made that promise and I maybe had 5 sodas the entire time. I could have said, "well I blew it" and gave up. But I stuck with it and now I look back and think 5 sodas in a whole year is pretty good!
So here is my list of things I want to do in 2014. I would like to:
Go to bed early - 10 pm would be great because I could ensure 8 hrs of sleep each night. I'll be writing on sleep deprivation soon!
be better at sending cards. Thank you's and birthdays mostly.
tame my temper towards my children during their temper tantrums.
reduce my sugar intake.
learn to sew.
regularly post to both this blog and my family blog.
What are your goals or resolutions? To help with that last one I am going to start posting to this blog on a schedule. Come check out new posts every Monday and Thursday. I have so many great posts planned. Things to help you stay fit and healthy. I'll also have some new DIY posts for making body care products, and recipes for homemade foods and sauces. Look for new workouts to try at home, at the gym or in the pool. Join me each week and share the love. If you like a post, leave a comment or share on your Facebook or Pinterest pages!
Happy New Year! Lets eat clean and train mean!
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